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Stephanie and Amanda send their letters to one another as they travel around the world.

So how are you keeping busy?

Dear Stephanie… It is that time of year once again. It is starting to get cold in Canada and this is generally the time I would be getting ready to head south or elsewhere where the leaves never leave the trees. I really don’t like Canadian winters. With the world being as crazy as it […]

Dear Amanda – Greetings from the Beach

Dear Amanda, I saw this rainbow this morning while walking the beach and thought of you. I also miss our travels and our old life. I’m thankful I have this amazing beach basically at my doorstep – I just wish you were here with us! This mad, mad world is just crazy town. Never have […]

Dear Stephanie… There are two types of people in Quarantine …

  Never before have a seen an image that is more you and me. ? I miss you guys. I miss travel. I miss the old life ….But my cooking skills have improved dramatically ? Almost every day I’m cooking something new. Breads, soups, meats, smokers, different world cuisines. I’ve tried making kefir this week. […]

Dear Amanda….

Life is crazy. I don’t even know where to begin. But we’re all healthy and doing well. My biggest and most exciting news it that I HAVE NEW KNOBS FOR MY STOVETOP. Remember how all the crappy plastic knobs were broken? Yeah, I’ve got these sparkling, new, 100% metal knobs my dad made for me. […]

Dear Amanda

Dear Amanda, I woke up to the news that the airline taking our family to Italy next month abruptly stopped operation. Our flights are *poof* gone. New flights are waaaay outside the budget. Airline says they’re going to refund our money…..but who knows? I’m so, so, so thankful we bought travel insurance. While they won’t buy […]

Flight time….

  Dear Stephanie, Once again…. I made the flight. I fly stand by and that means I never know when I’m getting on a flight. I always have to do this juggle of time, loads, days. I never know if I’m getting on the flight to just moments before. It means I get middle rows. […]

Dear Amanda – It Was a Mimosa Morning

Dear Amanda, I’m sorry you’re still sick. If you were here, I’d make you some homemade chicken noodle soup. Today was our monthly neighborhood mimosa morning. On days like today I love my stay-at-home, suburban lifestyle. It was a gorgeous, sunny 78 F today. You’d have loved it. I hope you make it back to […]