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Dear Stephanie.. I’m still Sick…

  I’ve noticed that at about the 4 months of non-stop travel mark.. I get sick. Very sick. Sick that comes and just stays. I am currently going on week 2+ of a flu that has lived and evolved in my lungs to a level that should not happen. Stay away. I am tired. I […]

Dear Stephanie, It is time for Airport naps

Dear Stephanie, I am attempting to fly to Vegas and CES, I have been at the airport since 4 am. It in now 11am and I am still not on a flight yet. The joys of living a stand-by flying lifestyle. I have white fluffy things all over me for some reason.  Somehow the florescent […]

Must Haves When Traveling – My Fave 5

We all have our favorite items that we love to take along with us when we travel. What are your favorite must haves when traveling? Personally, I like to travel as light as possible. Traveling light means that I travel without all the bells and whistles that many travel blogs say they just can’t live […]