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Stephanie VanPelt

Must Haves When Traveling – My Fave 5

We all have our favorite items that we love to take along with us when we travel. What are your favorite must haves when traveling? Personally, I like to travel as light as possible. Traveling light means that I travel without all the bells and whistles that many travel blogs say they just can’t live […]

Bread Pudding with Rum Sauce

It All Started on a Cruise in Europe… Bread pudding with rum sauce all started when I was 12 and my family went on a European cruise. It was late September, and school had already started. It was fabulous because my sister and I were the only 2 kids on the entire ship. The entire […]

Hiding Vegetables in Moroccan Spiced Beef Stew

I developed this spiced beef stew mainly to tempt my Middle into eating leftovers. He’s my picky eater that wants fresh cooked food every day. He’s also my low weight kid and I find that I’m frequently cooking to his tastes while also hiding vegetables, in the hopes that he’ll eat a larger portion. And […]

Toddler Christmas Pageants

Dear Amanda, Ahhhh, this surreal suburban life. Tonight my 4 year old had her preschool Christmas pageant. The small church was overrun with not just parents, but also their friends and grandparents. It’s like each family showed up with its own cheering section to encourage the little performers. Overall, it’s super sweet and worth fighting […]

My Cooking Profile

A little about me, and who I, Stephanie, am as a cook. What Kind of Things Do I Cook? I love to eat. I love to cook. I love to feed people. I love to explore new flavors. You could save that food is my ultimate [easyazon_link identifier=”080241270X” locale=”US” tag=”wacs0e-20″]love language[/easyazon_link]. Hey, I know that […]

Ravine Vineyard Wine Tasting

In 2013, my husband and I took our honeymoon out at Niagara-on-the-Lake. We both love food, wine and traveling to new places. Since we live in Florida and had 2 small boys at home, Niagara-on-the-Lake was closer than the haul out to Napa and produced some surprisingly good wines. All in all, it was a […]

Fairbanks Ice Festival

Fairbanks Ice Festival A Journey of Floridians to Alaska The kindness of strangers can sometimes simply make your day. One of the best things about staying in the Alaska Heritage House bed and breakfast is that you have other guests at breakfast. We lingered over breakfast with a couple of the other guests, there were […]