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  • Copycat Taco Bell Crunch Wraps with an Air Fryer - 8

    Copycat Taco Bell Crunch Wraps with an Air Fryer

    When a craving for a copycat taco bell crunch wraps hits.. I got you! This recipe is really so easy. I really love to find ways to use my air fryer. It’s such a great tool I purchased and I’m always shocked how “fried” like it makes things. I am constantly looking for more recipes […]

  • Creamy Mac & Cheese Comfort Food - 11

    Creamy Mac & Cheese Comfort Food

    I’m just sitting here, in the time of coronavirus, needing some good, old-fashioned comfort food. And when you’re in the middle of a stay at home order, when could be better than some creamy mac and cheese? Maybe with a few veggies thrown in? The recipe all started when my good friend and foodie compatriot […]

  • Instant Pot Creamy Tomato Chicken - 21

    Instant Pot Creamy Tomato Chicken

    As we live life with a stay at home order, during the time of coronavirus I’m getting both increasingly bored with my own cooking and increasingly creative. I’m struggling with the Middle’s quirky and picky eating habits and trying to throw dinner on the table with ingredients I have on-hand. Today we had a big […]

  • Stephanie's Roasted Salsa Verde - 31

    Stephanie’s Roasted Salsa Verde

    How to make salsa verde? A good one? This question started with my friend Christina. Christina is a physical trainer and together we are absolutely obsessed with food. Every time we get together, 90% of the conversation centers around what we’re cooking and what we’ve recently loved. Christina is a whiz with her Instant Pot […]

  • Weekly Meal Plan

    Weekly Meal Plan: 13 January 2020

    Weekly Meal Plan: The Goals Welcome to January. We’re all in that post-holiday fluffy, glazed-eyes state. It’s time to give myself, and my family, a swift kick in the pants. We need some food goals. Time to setup the weekly meal plan. For the adults: clean up the carb-filled, boozy crap we’ve been consuming. My […]

  • How To Make Shrimp Curry - Weeknight Recipe - 48

    How To Make Shrimp Curry – Weeknight Recipe

    Curry is one of those flavors that turned out to be a surprise hit in our household. The Middle is notoriously picky, but he LOVES Indian curry. But, this got me thinking on how to make shrimp curry – especially one that he would love. Mixing your own curry blend gives you complete control over […]